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How did you hear about Mission Entertainment?
What’s your age group?
Have you ever attended a Mission Entertainment Event? Yes  No
If yes which events(s) have you attended Ski Trip  Crabfest  Zodiac Affair  Bowling Party  Community Affairs  Cruises  Comedy  Other
If no, which events will you be interested in? Our Ski Trip  Crabfest  Zodiac Affairs  Bowling Party  Community Affairs  Cruises  Comedy  Theme Parties  Boat Ride  Other
How would you rate the venue(s)?
How would you rate the variety of music?
How would you rate the crowd overall?
What did you like most about the event(s) you attended?
If you have attended a Mission Entertainment event, how were you treated by our team members?
What are some of the things you would like to see provided by Mission Entertainment Inc?
Would you attend another Mission Entertainment eve
How do you choose your events?
How would you rate Mission Entertainment Inc?